From F*ck Me to F*ck Yeah
You LOVE your business. But entrepreneurship’s a lot harder than you expected. Like, WAY harder. In other words, “Fuck me.”
Listen. It's not hard because you didn’t get the entrepreneurship gene. It’s not because nobody wants what you have. It’s not even because your mom was right that this was a terrible idea.
It’s because you've been following someone ELSE'S business blueprint instead of creating your own, and that shit is EXHAUSTING.
Every Thursday, From F*ck Me to F*ck Yeah teaches you how to clear out anything that’s not totally YOU in your business and replace it with something that IS.
Because the truth is, there are as many right ways to run a business as there are humans running them — and when you do your business YOUR way, entrepreneurship gets about eleventy billion times easier.
I’m Kristen King, and I’ve been a business coach since before business coaching was cool — since the early 2000s after my first solo business hit six figures less than 2 years out of college. Now, I teach coaches, therapists, healers, and other brilliant service-based entrepreneurs like you how to build their own unique fuck-yeah business.
You don’t need to do MORE and HARDER to make your business successful.
And you sure as hell don't need to invest tens of thousands of dollars on magic bullets and done-for-you biz-in-a-box programs — not even if you’re neurodivergent, dealing with chronic health conditions, trying to balance parenting and business, navigating the world with anxiety or depression, or any of the other stuff you thought you needed to make up for.
You get to have an awesome business right now, exactly as you are. And I’m here to show you how.
Let’s take your business from "fuck me" to "fuck yeah" together.
Learn more about me and my work at http://kristenking.com.
From F*ck Me to F*ck Yeah
5. What to Do When Nobody Shows Up
In Episode 4, we talked about taming your "What If?" monster. In this week's episode, we dive into the very specific "what if" of "What if nobody shows up?"/"What if nobody buys?"
Learn how to use your monster-taming skills and the FAFO Method to answer this particular what-if — and to move yourself and your business forward no matter what.
Mentioned in this episode:
- Episode 4, "How to Tame Your "What If?" Monster" (https://fckyeahpod.buzzsprout.com/2198615/13387420-4-how-to-tame-your-what-if-monster)
- Episode 2, "The FAFO Method: Why and How to f*ck around and find out in your business" (https://fckyeahpod.buzzsprout.com/2198615)
If you want support with answering your what-ifs, join me on select Fridays all year long for live, first-come-first-served group coaching on F*ck Around Fridays. Find upcoming dates and reserve your spot at https://bit.ly/kkmasterclass.
And if you REALLY wanna go deep, book a private business intensive with me during the month of August 2023. We'll spend 2 hours together on Zoom focusing my 15+ years of expertise on any area of your business that’s lighting you up (or KEEPING you up).
Big projects, big decisions, major changes, big launches, strategy, and more — you’ll walk away with clarity on where you’re headed and a concrete plan to make it happen.
Get all the details and book your private intensive here: https://kristenking.com/get-started/biz-intensive/
Prefer video? Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/qI4Z5gZUvsY
I’m Kristen King, and I’ve been a business coach since before business coaching was cool — since the early 2000s after my first solo business hit six figures less than 2 years out of college. Now, I teach coaches, therapists, healers, and other brilliant service-based entrepreneurs like you how to build their own unique fuck-yeah business.
There's more to me than being a multi-certified coach for kickass entrepreneurs. I'm also a certified hypnotist and a certified mental health and wellness facilitator with an MBA, a master's in publishing, and 15+ years of multi-industry experience.
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Join the Fuck Yeah Entrepreneurs Society (F-YES): https://kristenking.com/fyes
Visit my website to learn more and find out how to hire me as your very own coach: https://kristenking.com
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If you're ready for entrepreneurship to feel a hell of a lot easier, you're in the right place. Welcome to From fuck me to fuck yeah, the podcast, we're service based entrepreneurs learn how to tune out all the fear based bullshit that paralyzes you, and how to tune in to your unique Fuck yeah, I'm integrative business coach Kristen King, and I'm pretty much the bad influence your mother warned you about. On this show, I'm gonna teach you how to peel back all the layers of perfectionism, people pleasing and pressure that stand between you and how you really want this whole entrepreneur thing to go. And while we're at it, we're gonna do that for the whole rest of your life, too. I am not here to make your business look exactly like mine. I'm here to make your business look exactly like yours. So stick around, fuck around and find out what happens when my bad influence rubs off on you. Your mom's probably going to hate it, but you are going to love it. Let's do this shit. Hello, friends. Welcome back. Last time we were talking about how to tame your What if monster with asking some different questions and reframing things. And one of those key tips and tools is to actually answer the question, what if, and in this episode, we're going to talk about a specific what ifs that I hear from my clients all the time. It's the what if no one shows up? What if no one buys. And this is something that can happen with one on one clients with events or activities or classes that you're running with a launch that you're doing. It can happen across a variety of settings. But those are the three that I tend to see the most. And so I want to talk about specifically, what if someone doesn't show up when they're supposed to be getting coached or otherwise served by and just like with the general what ifs, we were talking about last time, we want to actually answer the question, what if that happens? What are you actually going to do? Once you know the answer to the question, once you know what you would do, it's no longer some scary, nebulous, weird thing that you need to avoid. It's just something that you can deal with. So let me give you a couple of examples of what that might look like. Some of you may know if you've been following me for a while, I teach in person fitness classes. And sometimes it's a really small group, sometimes it's a big group, every now and then when I'm there to teach a fitness class, nobody shows up. It hasn't happened in years. So it's a really infrequent occurrence. But every now and then it happens every now and then one person will show up or two people will show up. And it's just a small group. And so when I first started teaching classes, that was something that I found really intimidating, it freaked me out, I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna feel so embarrassed. This will be such a waste of time, blah, blah, blah, blah, all these things spinning out in my head about what would happen if nobody showed up one night. And then it happened one time that nobody showed up. And so what did I do, I use the time for the thing I was planning to do anyway, instead of teaching a class, I use the time to work on my choreography, to practice some stuff that had been challenging me to learn a new routine and start practicing that. So for the next class, I'd be ready to go. And that's the same kind of thing that we can do with any situation where people aren't showing up. You can continue to do the thing that you were planning on, but you may just do it in a different way. If I'm there to teach a dance based fitness class, and nobody shows up, I'm not going to be in the front of the room, bustin it out and queuing people like I would be if there was somebody else there. But I'm still going to use the time to work out I'm still going to use the time to grow my skills. And the same thing happens on the odd chance that a client doesn't show up for a session. Life happens sometimes people get stuck in traffic, they lose track of time, the power goes out, a kid starts puking and they don't have time to cancel before their call supposed to start because it happened five minutes ago, and we're supposed to be meeting right now. There's any number of reasons that people can miss an appointment and they don't all mean bad things. Many of them are just very like common everyday normal people reasons. And as long as we don't make it a whole thing, it doesn't have to be a thing. So if you've shown up to coach somebody or to provide some other kind of service and that person doesn't show up, you still get to go use that time for coaching. That's what you set it aside for or web design or you know, therapy, whatever it is, whatever service it is that you provide, you still get to use that time. Because you set it aside to deliver a service you set it aside to do something on behalf of your business and the people you serve. So for me if a client misses is a session or they're running really late. And I don't know what's going on, because I haven't heard anything from them yet. I will use that time to go coach other people, I'll go into a community that I'm a member of, and I'll look for someone who has a question. And I'll try to provide some support, I'll write an email or a social post for my audience. Sometimes I'll just coach myself in that time. But that time is set aside for doing something in support of my clients in support of my customers in support of my audience. And even if that individual person I was planning to work with didn't come, I can still do that I can still move things forward for myself. And for everybody, including that person, the next time I actually see them. I've had times with group calls, where stuff was going on, everybody was running late that day, they eventually showed up. But for the 15 minutes that I was by myself waiting for people to come. I just taught on a topic. And anyone who watched the replay of that call, got the teaching, and then they also got the live coaching, that happens later. So I wouldn't challenge you to really answer the question of what if nobody shows up? What are you going to do? How are you going to use that time on your behalf on behalf of your business on behalf of the people you serve? Even if it looks a little different from how you originally thought you were going to be spending that time? Once you can answer that question. And once you create a plan for yourself of what you will do in that scenario, that situation is not going to be as scary. Anytime you start thinking about running a webinar or a class or putting together an in person workshop and your brain offers me. Okay, but what if I put in all this work? And nobody shows up? You get to actually answer the question. You get to use the same thing for your launches, if you have, say, a 30 day period that you're launching a product or service or event or whatever, and you get to the end of the 30 days, and nobody has registered for it. What would you do? That doesn't happen very often. But it happens sometimes. What would you do? For me anytime that I hit the deadline that I had set for myself or a launch to close if I don't have the numbers that I'm looking for, or if I get this gut feeling that there's more people out there, and I should make some adjustments to get them in and adjust the timing, I push the date back, I give myself more time to sell. I'll look at the content that I'm putting out or my calls to action clear. Am I talking about my results in a clearer way? How can I use this to learn about what might generate a different result either next time or this time if I give myself some more space? And when we look at these wood? So when we look at these things from curiosity, and we focus on answering the question, because there's always an answer, it takes that uncertainty factor out of it. Because like we talked about in the last episode, when we answer what if we're creating our uncertainty, we're making decisions about what we're going to do. So here's what I want you to do right now, I want you to think about the things that you have been thinking about doing. But I've been holding back on because you're afraid nobody's going to buy it. Nobody's going to come What if somebody doesn't show up? Whatever those things are, that are stopping you that are in the universe of what we're talking about, in this episode, identify what those things are for you. And then I want you to spend a couple of minutes actually answering the question, what if I tried to do this thing? And nobody bought it? What if I offered this session or this event or whatever? And nobody came? What would I do? Create that plan for yourself? And then check in? And notice how the feeling around that question has changed now that you have answered it. So that's the first thing I want you to do. And depending on how you're feeling, what the thing is, what your capacity is, in this moment. For bonus points, which are completely made up and don't matter at all, but are just sometimes fun. For bonus points. If that's fun for you. Pick one of those things that you've been holding back on that you just answered the what if question about and go do it. Use this as an opportunity to test out the answer to that what if to test out that plan to try it to see what happens to see what you learn and put that shit into practice. You get to use everything you do in your business as a fafo experiment. And if that term isn't familiar to you, you're gonna you're gonna want to go back into past episodes and listen to the one about the fafo methods that explains exactly when, why and how to fuck around and find out in your business. Because when we are approaching all of this with the goal of finding out with the goal of trying things, seeing what happens and then using what we learned from it, there's really not a way for you to fail here. There's only ways for you to learn. There's only ways for you to answer those questions with concrete evidence to discover to try things and practice and then try something else and see what happens. And this gets To be a lot more fun and a lot less stress. And really it all comes from answering that question. So, go ahead, try it out, see what you come up with, see what your answer is, and then go put that into practice. And if you want, hit me up on the socials, slide into my DMs, slide into my inbox and let me know what you noticed and what actually happened for you. I'd love to hear about it. You'll find the links to get in touch with me through my website through my socials are all in the show notes. But the most important thing is for you to go forth and answer that question for yourself and then put that answer into practice. Have so much fun, no longer worrying about these things because you know exactly what you're going to do if that thing happens, and you get to be totally confident in that moving forward. I'll see you next time if you liked this episode, you're gonna love the rest of my content. Visit the show notes for links to all the good stuff I've created to help you go from fuck meat to fuck yeah, be sure to follow me wherever you hang out on the socials. And for insiders only info get yourself onto my email list. My email subscribers are the first to know about new content, new tools and new ways to work with me. And speaking of subscribing, make sure you subscribe to this podcast. I'd also love it if you would leave me a review and a five star rating. The only thing better than getting fuck yet info in the first place is getting it and then sharing it with your favorite humans. So please feel free to share this episode and any others with your business besties. Until next time, I'll see you in your inbox and on the socials. Now go out there and create your next bucket